Wednesday, 30 March 2011

8x2 Self-assessment and Writing Assessment Title

Look at your targets from last lesson. Pick one or more revision videos for what you most need to improve in your writing.

Paragraphing and Structure (AF4; AF5)

Varying your sentences (AF4; AF5)

Using a semi-colon (AF6)

Vocabulary Choice (picking the right words) (AF1, AF2, AF7)

Spelling! (AF8)

Start to write up your horror story

You must include:

- A description of a scary person
- A description of a scary place
- The answer to the question: What's he building in there?

At the end of the lesson you must have evidence in your writing for each AF (read through your work, or swap and read a partner's) and set yourself a new target on what to improve.

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